In the labyrinth of emotions

26.01.2025 | 10:12h
05.01.2025 | 12:56h

For You, Yet Out of Reach

I offer you my boundless love,
A gift as pure as stars above,
Yet in your eyes, I find no gleam,
You turn away, dismiss the dream.

With open arms, I stand prepared,
But find you lost, captivated, scared.
Your heart, it seems, a fortress strong,
Mystified by love’s enduring song.

My heart, it yearns, a silent plea,
For warmth, for touch, for you and me.
Yet still you hold your feelings tight,
No echoes of our shared delight.

I strive for you in every way,
But words dissolve, they fall away.
Your heart remains a distant shore,
I long for love; you ask for more.

In shadows cast by what could be,
I wear the weight of longing’s plea.
For you, a flame that brightly burns,
But for my love, you have no turns.

TheSch / About Author
meine Gedichte sind das Echo meiner Existenz, ein stummer Schrei, der in der Stille widerhallt und dennoch im Lärmen des Alltags seine Bedeutung nicht verliert....

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